Erin K. Hamilton, Seonghye Jeon, Pepa Ramirez Cobo, Kichun Sky Lee, Raymond J. Hinton, Jr., and Brani Vidakovic*. Robust Wavelet-Based Assessment of Scaling with Applications, accepted in Time Series and Wavelet Analysis, Springer, 2024.
Geonseok Lee, Kichun Lee*. A two-layer regression network for robust and accurate domain adaptation, accepted in Pattern Recognition, 2024.
Geonseok Lee, Youngju Yoon, Kichun Lee*. Anomaly Detection Using an Ensemble of Multi-Point LSTMs, accepted in Entropy, 2023.
Geonseok Lee, Pilwon Woo, Kichun Lee*. Data Generation Using Geometrical Edge Probability for One-class Support Vector Machines, accepted in Expert Systems With Applications, 2023.
Geonseok Lee, Eunchan Sim, Youngju Yoon, Kichun Lee*. Probabilistic Orthogonal-signal-corrected Principal Component Analysis, accepted in Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023.
Kichun Lee, Sunghun Hwangbo, Dongwook Yang, Geonseok Lee*. Compression of deep learning models through global weight pruning using alternating direction method of multipliers, accepted in International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2023.
Insung Um, Geonseok Lee, Kichun Lee*. Adaptive Boosting for Ordinal Target Variables Using Neural Networks, accepted in Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 2023.
Changwon Ok, Geonseok Lee, Kichun Lee*. An Informative Langauge Encoding by Variational Autoencoders Using Transformer, accepted in Applied Sciences (in the section of Application of Machine Learning in Text Mining), 2022.
Hyungjin Park, Geonseok Lee, Kichun Lee*. Dual Recurrent Neural Networks Using Partial Linear Dependence for Multivariate Time Series, accepted in Expert Systems With Applications, 2022.
Minho Ryu, Geonseok Lee, Kichun Lee*. Knowledge Distillation for BERT Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, accepted in Knowledge and Information Systems, 2022.
Geonseok Lee, Kichun Lee*. Online dependence clustering of multivariatestreaming data using one-class SVMs, International Journal of Intelligent Systems,, 2021.
Minho Ryu, Kwang-Il Ahn, Kichun Lee*. Finding Effective Item Assignment Plans with Weighted Item Associations Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, Applied Sciences (Special Issue Heuristic Algorithms in Engineering and Applied Sciences), Volume 11, Issue 5, 2021.
Taewoon Kong, Dongguen Choi, Geonseok Lee, Kichun Lee*. Air Pollution Prediction Using an Ensemble of Dynamic Transfer Models for Multivariate Time Series, Sustainability, Volume 13 Issue 3, 2021.
Geonseok Lee, Kichun Lee*, Feature selection using distributions of orthogonal PLS regression vectors in spectral data, Biodata Mining, 14, 2021.
Minho Ryu, Geonseok Lee, Kichun Lee*, Online sequential extreme studentized deviate tests for anomaly detection in streaming data with varying patterns, Cluster Computing, 24, Pages 1975–1987, 2021.
Minho Ryu, Kichun Lee*, Selection of Support Vector Candidates Using Relative Support Distance for Sustainability in Large-Scale Support Vector Machines, Applied Sciences (Special Issue Applied Machine Learning), Volume 10 Issue 19, 2020.
Kiburm Song, Minho Ryu, Kichun Lee*. Transitional SAX Representation for Knowledge Discovery for Time Series, Volume 10, Issue 19, 2020.
Youngja H Park, Taewoon Kong, James R Roede, Dean P Jones, Kichun Lee*. A biplot correlation range for group-wise metabolite selection in mass spectrometry, Biodata Mining, 12:4, DOI: 10.1186/s13040-019-0191-2, 2019.
Kyoung-jae Kim, Kichun Lee, Hyunchul Ahn*. Predicting Corporate Financial Sustainability Using Novel Business Analytics, Sustainability, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2019.
Jaehwan Lee, Taewoon Kong, Kichun Lee*. Ensemble patch sparse coding: A feature learning method for classification of images with ambiguous edges, Volume 124, Pages 1-12, 2019.
Taewoon Kong, Kyungje Seong, Kiburm Song, Kichun Lee*. Two-mode modularity clustering of parts and activities for cell formation problems, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 100, Pages 77-88, 2018.
Elena Ivannikova, Hyunwoo Park, Timo Hämäläinen, Kichun Lee*. Revealing community structures by ensemble clustering using group diffusion, Information Fusion, Volume 42, Pages 24-36, 2018
Mangi Kang, Jaelim Ahn, Kichun Lee*. Opinion mining using ensemble text hidden Markov models for text classification, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 94, Pages 218-227, 2018.
Won-Seok Hwang, Shaoyu Li, Sang-Wook Kim*, and Kichun Lee. Data Imputation Using a Trust Network for Recommendation via Matrix Factorization, Computer Science and Information Systems, accepted, 2018.
Hyun-Kyo Oh, Jin-Woo Kim, Sang-Wook Kim, Kichun Lee. A unified framework of trust prediction based on message passing, Cluster Computing, accepted, 2018.
Elena Ivannikova, Hyunwoo Park, Timo Hamalainen, and Kichun Lee*. Revealing Community Structures with Ensemble Group Diffusion, Information Fusion, accepted, 2017.
Mangi Kang, Jaelim Ahn, and Kichun Lee*. Opinion mining using ensemble text hidden Markov models for text classification, Expert Systems with Applications, in print, 2017.
Kiburm Song and Kichun Lee*. Predictability-based collective class association rule mining, Expert Systems with Applications; 79:1-7, 2017.
Kyosung Jeong, Sungchae Lim, Kichun Lee*, Sang-Wook Kim*. A Flash-Aware Buffering Scheme with the On-the-Fly Redo for Efficient Data Management in Flash Storage, Computer Science and Information Systems; in press, 2017.
Tonya Woods*, Thanawadee Preeprem, Kichun Lee, Woojin Chang and Brani Vidakovic. Characterizing exons and introns by regularity of nucleotide strings, Biology Direct; 11:6, 2016.
Taewoon Kong, Kichun Lee*. Semi-supervised Bayesian Adaptive Multiresolution Shrinkage For Wavelet-based Denoising, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation; in print, 2015. (SCIE)
Jae-Kwan Kim, Chung-In Won, Kichun Lee, Deok-Soo Kim*. Optimal ligand descriptor for pocket recognition based on the beta-shape, PLoS One; 10(4): e0122787, 2015. (SCIE)
Hyunwoo Park, Kichun Lee*. Dependence clustering, a method revealing community structure with group dependence, Knowledge-based Systems; 60: 58-72, 2014. (SCI)
Jean Francois Coeurjolly, Brani Vidakovic, Kichun Lee*. Variance estimation for fractional Brownian motions with fixed Hurst parameters, Communications in Statistics: Theory and methods; 43: 1845-1858, 2014. (SCIE)
D. C. Neujahr, K. Uppal, S. D. Forc, F. Fernandez, C. Lawrence, A. Pickens, R. Bag, C. Lockard, A. D. Kirk, V. Tran, K. Lee, Dean P. Jones, Y. Park. Bile acid aspiration associated with lung chemical profile linked to other biomarkers of injury after lung transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation ; 14:841-848, 2014. (SCIE)
D.C. Neujahr, K. Uppal, C. Lockard, K. Lee, V. Tran, D.P. Jones, P. Youngja. Integrative Omics of Aspiration in Lung Transplantation, The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation; 32(4): S250, 2013. (SCI)
Melissa P. Osborn, Youngja Park, Megan B. Parks, L. Goodwin Burgess, Karan Uppal, Kichun Lee, Dean P. Jones, Milam A. Brantley Jr. Metabolome-Wide Association Study of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration, PLoS ONE; 8(8): e72737, 2013. (SCIE)
Kwang-Il Ahn, Kichun Lee*. Identification of nonstandard multifractional Brownian motions under white noise by multiscale local variations of its sample paths, Mathematical Problems in Engineering; 2013: 794130, 2013. (SCIE)
Youngja Park, Kichun Lee*, Gautam Hebbar, Greg S. Martin, Thomas R. Ziegler, Brani Vidakovic, Dean P Jones. Multifractal analysis for nutritional assessment, PLOS ONE; 8(8): e69000, 2013. (SCIE)
Kichun Lee, Jun-Hee Heu, Jieun Kim*. SVM-based Boundary Recovery of a Medical Image Segment In Low Resolutions, Journal of Electronic Imaging; 22(3): 033010, 2013. (SCIE)
Jesse F. Gregory III*, Youngja Park, Yvonne Lamers, Nirmalya Bandyopadhyay, Yueh-Yun Chi, Kichun Lee, Steven Kim, Vanessa da Silva, Nicholas Hove, Sanjay Ranka, Tamer Kahveci, Keith E. Muller, Robert D. Stevens, Christopher B. Newgard, Peter W. Stacpoole, and Dean P. Jones. Metabolomic Analysis Reveals Extended Metabolic Consequences of Marginal Vitamin B-6 Deficiency in Healthy Human Subjects, PLOS ONE; 8(8): e72737, 2013. (SCIE)
Kichun Lee, Kwang-Il Ahn*. GT efficacy: a performance measure for cell formation with sequence data, International Journal of Production Research; 51: 6070-6081, 2013. (SCI)
Kichun Lee*, Characterization of turbulence stability through the identification of multifractional Brownian motions, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics; 20:1-10, 2013. (SCIE)
Kichun Lee, Alexander Gray, Heeyoung Kim. Dependence maps, a dimensionality reduction with dependence distance for high-dimensional data, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; 26: 512-532, 2013. (SCI)
James R. Roede, Karan Uppal, Youngja Park, Kichun Lee, Vilinh Tran, Douglas Walker, Frederick H. Strobel, Shannon L. Rhodes, Beate Ritz, Dean P. Jones. Serum Metabolomics of Slow vs. Rapid Motor Progression Parkinson’s Disease: a Pilot Study, PLOS ONE; 8: e77629, 2013. (SCIE)
Jongsu Lee, Chul-Yong Lee*, Kichun Lee. Forecasting Demand for a Newly Introduced Product Using Reservation Price Data and Bayesian Updating, Technological Forecasting & Social Change; 76: 1280-1291, 2012. (SSCI)
Youngja H. Park, Kichun Lee, Quinlyn A. Soltow, Frederick H. Strobel, Kenneth L. Brigham, Richard E.Parker, Mark E. Wilson, Roy L. Sutliff, Keith G. Mansfield, Lynn M. Wachtman, Thomas R. Ziegler, Dean P. Jones*. High-performance metabolic profiling of plasma from seven mammalian species for simultaneous environmental chemical surveillance and bioeffect monitoring, Toxicology; 295:47-55, 2012. (SCI)
Kichun Lee* and Brani Vidakovic. Semi-supervised Wavelet Shrinkage, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis; 56: 1681-1691, 2012. (SCIE)
Pepa Ramirez Cobo, Kichun Sky Lee, Annalisa Molini, Amilcare Porporato, Gabriel Katul, Brani Vidakovic*. Wavelet-based spectral methods for extracting self-similarity measures in time-varying two-dimensional rainfall, Journal of Time Series Analysis; 32:351-363, 2011. (SCI)
Youngja Park, Ngoc-Anh Le, Tianwei Yu, Fred Strobel, Nana Gletsu Miller, Carolyn J. Accardi, Kichun S. Lee, ShaoxiongWu, Thomas R. Ziegler, and Dean P. Jones*. A Sulfur Amino Acid-Free Meal Increases Plasma Lipids in Humans, Journal of Nutrition; 141:1424-1431, 2011. (SCI)
Sharla Gayle Patterson, Charlene W. Bayer, Robert J. Hendry, Nancy Sellers, K. Sky Lee, Brani Vidakovic, Boris Mizaikoff, Sheryl G.A. Gabram-Mendola*. Breath Analysis by Mass Spectrometry: A new Tool for Breast Cancer Detection? The American Surgeon; 77:747-751, 2011. (SCI)
Kichun Sky Lee*, Jongphil Kim, Brani Vidakovic. Regularity of Irregularity: Testing for Monofractality by Multifractal Tools, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science; 5:65-86, 2010.
Park Y, Jones DP, Ziegler TR, Lee K, Kotha K, Yu T, Martin GS. Metabolic effects of albumin therapy in acute lung injury measured by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of plasma: a pilot study, Critical Care Medicine; 39:2308-13, 2010. (SCI)
Kichun Sky Lee, M. Forrest Abouelnasr, Charlene W. Bayer, Sheryl G.A. Gabram, Boris Mizaikoff, Andre Rogatko, and Brani Vidakovic*. Mining exhaled volatile organic compounds for breast cancer detection, Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences; 1:327-342, 2009.
Gordana Derado*, Kichun Lee, Orietta Nicolis, F. DuBois Bowman, Mary Newell, Fabrizio F. Rugger and Brani Vidakovic. Wavelet-Based 3-D Multifractal Spectrum with Applications in Breast MRI Images, Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 4983:281-292, 2008.
H. Ahn*, K. Lee, and K. Kim. Global optimization of support vector machines using genetic algorithms for bankruptcy prediction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 4234:420-429, 2006.
Conference Publications
Data Imputation Using a Trust Network for Recommendation, WWW 2014 Companion. Won-Seok Hwang, Shaoyu Li, Sang-Wook Kim*, Kichun Lee.
A Probability-Based Trust Prediction Model Using Trust-Message Passing, WWW 2013 Companion. Hyun-Kyo Oh, Jin-Woo Kim, Sang-Wook Kim, Kichun Lee.